Hi there! My name is Twan Thio (1998). I am a freelance photographer/videographer with a passion for exploring and finding limits. I'm currently living in The Hague, the Netherlands and I have graduated from the Msc. program Industrial Ecology. Whenever I get the chance to get around and get in touch with different cultures, I do!

Let's jump back a few years in time; Ever since I was a little kid, I played around with my parents’ cameras. I used to take a lot of pictures while on vacation, without really knowing what I was doing, even though some still hold up today! Maybe you can find the one picture I took as a little kid somewhere in my portfolio ;)

Only since 2014, I began to take it more seriously. I didn't want to waste my hard earned money on some photography course, so I decided to learn it by myself. That's how I was able to afford a decent camera and I'm still upgrading as much as possible in order to create what I want. Taking it to every place I went, resulted in me learning everything about the craft.

To actually learn the basics, I started watching video's, reading magazines, talking to fellow photographers and most importantly, I started to practice a lot to develop my skill set and finally become the photographer I am today! The easiest way to get in contact with me is to either send an e-mail through the contact & info section on the left, or to just give me a call!